Friday – July 27, 2018 – 8:30 a.m. 34 West Fulton Street Gloversville, New York
Directors Present: Kent Kirch, Ronald Olinsky, Travis Mitchell, Terri Easterly, Gregory Fagan, Grant Preston and Timothy Beckett
Directors Absent: Geoffrey Peck and Leslie Ford
Staff Present: Ronald Peters, Jennifer Jennings, Diane Meade and Sarah Egan
Guests: Ashley Onyon, Leader Herald; Scott Henze, County Planner; Michael Albanese, Esq., Legal Counsel; John Blackmon; Vern Jackson, Mayor of Johnstown; Craig Talarico, Councilman-At-Large
Public Session
Call to Order / Introductions/Meeting Minutes:
Vice Chair Kent Kirch called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. He welcomed the Directors and guests to the meeting. Kent asked for a motion to approve the meeting minutes from July 9, 2018. Travis Mitchell made the motion to approve the minutes; Grant Preston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Kent then asked for a motion to approve the Finance Committee Meeting Minutes from June 27, 2018. Tim Beckett made the motion to approve the minutes; Travis Mitchell seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Administrative Matters
Chair Report:
Vice Chair Kent Kirch had nothing to report at this meeting.
Committee Reports:
Executive Committee:
This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Governance Committee:
This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Finance Committee:
Ron Olinsky advised the Board that this Committee met the Wednesday prior to the Board Meeting. The Committee looked at the financials and discussed moving excess cash to investment accounts. Ron also said that we are winding down with CIC so we won’t have to worry about those financials anymore. In this meeting, they also reviewed Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payables. Lastly, Ron informed the Board that the Committee reviewed all loans and there are no delinquencies for the month, which is great.
Audit Committee:
This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Building Committee:
Ron Peters advised the Board that this Committee has not met since the last Board meeting but he has been emailing back and forth with the members of this Committee regarding the RFPs received for renovations to 34 W. Fulton Street. After receiving 5 RFPs to complete architectural design work, the Committee members came into agreeance to hiring AND Architects- Dave D’Amore. Grant asked for a motion to approve hiring AND Architects for this project at 34 W. Fulton St. Terri Easterly made the motion; it was seconded by Ron Olinsky and unanimously approved.
Membership & Marketing Committee:
This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
ABO Guidelines Review:
Sarah Egan reviewed the new ABO Policy number 15-01- Restrictions on Grants and Loans Made by Public Authorities and supplied everyone a copy for their review. She briefly discussed that state and local authorities are prohibited from awarding grants or issuing loans of its own monies.
Gloversville Downtown Development Specialist Report:
Jennifer Jennings: provided a written report to the Board prior to the meeting. Jennifer started off by asking the Board for volunteers and/or sponsors for upcoming events she is hosting. Jennifer stated that the next Twilight Market will be August 10th and hopes to see some Board members in attendance. Jennifer informed the Board with Bacon Jam approaching September 29th, there will be a Planning Committee meeting next week if anyone would like to attend. On Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, Jennifer will be mailing out the monthly Business Owners Newsletter. Jennifer informed the Board that 2 separate Boards have contacted her regarding Board Development Training since the last Board meeting so Leslie, Ron and Jennifer will be meeting to discuss this. Also, Jennifer has been in contact with Allison Novak, Mohawk Valley Economic Development Committee, and she has asked Jennifer to write 3 case studies for their progress report on Gloversville. These topics cover the Artists in Residence Program, Postcard Marketing Campaign, and Placemaking 101.
County and City Reports:
Scott Henze informed the Board that today at 2pm is the deadline for CFA applications, Scott had submitted all 5 of his applications. Scott thought that 2 of these applications would be of interest to us- $500,000 for Tyron Primary Election Services and $80,000 for an 80 acre piece of land east of the Johnstown Industrial Park.
John Blackmon stated that the Gloversville Library and the Estee Commons projects are nearing completion.
Mayor Vern Jackson updated the Board on the opening of Second Wind Coffee in Johnstown and how everything is coming along smoothly. Vern informed the Board that the Rainbow Restaurant has been purchased and the new owners are in there starting renovations and hoping to open for business in November. The owner is looking to buy more property around the building for additional parking. Lastly, Vern went to an open house last night for Jonathan Sweet Furniture Design. A new TV show “Building for the Stars” is being created and will be working with Jonathan to do stories on the projects he is working on.
President and CEO Report
Current Projects:
Ron Peters informed the Board of current projects that he has been working on. Ron reported that he has submitted the application for Pioneer Windows and that’s moving forward. He also stated that we have 10 CFA’s going in this round- 5 for the County and 5 that we participate in. Ron isn’t sure how much money is available this round for the region. Evolution is still going forward with their move and we just approved a second loan for them. Ron is also working with a company in the Johnstown in Industrial park, which he will discuss more in the executive session.
Microenterprise Grant Programs: Ron reported that we submitted the last application for the Microenterprise Grant for Second Wind Coffee, LLC in Downtown Johnstown. Ron stated that with this taking the last of the Microenterprise Grant funding, that we are applying for a new round of funding.
Community Outreach Programs: Ron stated that the tour on Thursday, July 19th at the Nathan Littauer Hospital in Gloversville was impressive. The next Business Tour will be at the Broadalbin Manufacturing Corporation August 9th.
Ron stated that he is still working with the Five & Dime in Northville on getting their application in for financing. He also said that Northville submitted their Local Waterway Revitalization Application.
Ron informed the Board that the Restore NY Grant is still in play in Gloversville. Ron stated that we are looking into going for an EPA Grant application for Gloversville. He will be going to a debriefing will the EPA in 2 weeks to why we didn’t get the EPA Grant the last round. The EPA wants us to apply again because we are so close to getting approved. Lastly, Ron, Vince, and Dayton made their presentation to the State on our Downtown Revitalization Initiative.
Tim Beckett informed the Board that there is still no contract for the Restore NY Grant. Ron stated that he is working with Vern on the Second Wind Coffee shop and a restaurant next to the Barber Shop. Ron also informed the Board that he had a meeting a few weeks ago to discuss a getting a gas line into the Johnstown Industrial Park.
In Broadalbin, Ron stated he is still following up with businesses that attended the Financing Symposium. Ron has meet with one of the businesses and he will talk more in the Executive Session on this potential project.
Ron informed the Board that he is following up with businesses in Caroga Lake that attended the Financing Symposium. He stated that we just approved our first loan application in Caroga Lake to Caroga Lake Marina.
Business Marketing Inquiries: Ron informed the Board that he has a conference call today with an Eastern European Group from Romania which he met at the SelectUSA Investment Summit. Also, Ron will be having breakfast with a consulting group from Montreal in 2 weeks up in Lake George. In September, a Chinese Group that Ron met at the SelectUSA Investment Summit will be in New York City and he is going to try and get them to come up here to take a look at our sites. Ron also informed the Board that he has had 2 inquiries for distilleries to come to Fulton County, which there are none in Fulton County as of now.
Combined County Marketing Effort Update: Ron informed the Board that monthly meetings with the County will start August 8th or 9th. In these meetings we will discuss how was can work together.
Property Disposition Update: Ron informed the Board that the property on vacant lot along Prospect Street and Littauer Place will be sold July 30th and we will no longer have anything to do with this property.
Loan Applicant Updates: Ron stated that we have closed Stump City Brewing, Goderie Tree Farm, and Royal Mountain Inn and we have approved a second loan this week for Evolution Recycling. True Value is in closing mode, Thnk Tank is in equity raise, and Deli Master and Caroga Lake Marina loans were approved this week. Ron stated that he has 4 more in closing mode and one more coming in next week in Johnstown. Ron informed the Board that by the end of the year we will hit the goal of 20 loans.
2018 Proposed Events: Ron reviewed the list of events on the agenda:
- Grand Opening of The Center – To Be Announced
- Undetermined Business Symposium – October
- Annual Event – November 15
2018 Events Attending / Participating in: Ron reviewed the list of events that he will either attending or CRG will participate in:
- IAMC Fall Forum – September 15-19
- Site Selector’s Guild Fall Conference – TBD
Events Attended
- MVEDD Annual Meeting- January 29
- Membership Kick-off Open House Event- January 30
- NYSEDC- January 31-February 1
- Site Selector’s Guild Conference – March 19-21
- ICSC Table Setup- March 24-26
- Placemaking 101 Conference – April
- IAMC Spring Professional Forum – May 5-9
- NYSEDC Annual Meeting – May 23-25
- Southern Adirondack Wine & Food Festival – June 9
- Select USA Investment Summit – June 20-22
- IEDC Economic Future – June 24-26
- Fancy Food Show – June 30 – July 2
- Woodworking and Fine Arts Weekend in Northville – July 20-22
- Drum Corp International – July 22
34 West Fulton Street: Ron briefly touched on AND Architecture again doing work on the building. Also, we are currently working with a website designer to get our website in better shape.
- IEDC Economic Future — June 24-26
- Fancy Food Show — June 30 — July 2
- Woodworking and Fine Arts Weekend in Northville — July 20-22 14)
- Drum Corp International — July 22
Adjournment to Executive Session to Discuss Legal Issues
At 9:13 a.m. Kent Kirch asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting to Executive Session. Terri Easterly made the motion; it was seconded by Timothy Beckett and unanimously approved. Kent dismissed the guests and thanked for their attendance at the Board meeting.
Legal and Staff Issues:
The Directors discussed several ongoing legal issues. These discussions were informational in nature. No action was needed.
Adjournment from Executive Session
At 9:53 a.m. Kent Kirch asked for a motion to adjourn from Executive Session. Timothy Beckett made the motion; it was seconded by Ronald Olinsky and unanimously approved.
Adjournment of the Board Meeting
At 9:54 a.m. Kent Kirch asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Timothy Beckett made the motion; it was seconded by Ronald Olinsky and unanimously approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
________________________________ _________________
Leslie Ford, Board Secretary Date
Board Meetings are held the Fourth Friday of the Month
at the CRG Main Office
at 8:30 AM