Friday – October 26, 2018– 8:30 a.m. 34 West Fulton Street Gloversville, New York
Directors Present: Geoffrey Peck, Ronald Olinsky, Kent Kirch, Gregory Fagan, Travis Mitchell, Timothy Beckett, Grant Preston
Directors Absent: Terri Easterly, Leslie Ford
Staff Present: Ronald Peters, Jennifer Jennings and Diane Meade
Guests: Ashley Onyon Leader Herald, Steve Smith
Public Session
8:30 AM
Call to Order / Introductions/Meeting Minutes:
Chairman Geoffrey Peck called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. He welcomed the Directors and guests to the meeting. Mr. Peck asked for a motion to approve the B.O.D. meeting minutes from September 26, 2018. Kent Kirch seconded the motion. Mr. Peck motioned to approve the Finance Committee minutes from Finance Committee minutes and it passed unanimously.
Administrative Matters
Chair Report:
Geoffrey Peck- No chair report but wanted to thank Ashley for the great press and positive support. Also we had three closings and that is a wonderful thing.
Committee Reports:
Executive Committee:
This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Governance Committee:
This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Finance Committee:
Gregory Fagan– Discussed moving CRG money into a higher yield account. Geoff said that there was $250k in a new account.
Geoff Peck– Press release with a foot note of intent and Ron Peters include in report to County and do low key.
Audit Committee:
This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Building Committee:
Ron Peters advised the Board that this Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Membership & Marketing Committee:
Met on October 3rd. Voted on Gala Award recipients and some of the plans for the event. There were no new membership approvals but was discussed that Diane would be redirecting efforts there with the coming new year. Costs are being kept down and sponsors are being called. Going to be using the phones as first line of attack since it is so late. Radio and newspaper ads will be done as well as email blasts.
ABO Guidelines Review:
Diane Meade reviewed a portion of the ABO Policy regarding conflicts of interest as a spring-board to the CRG policy on the same. Diane Meade supplied everyone a copy the CRG policy for their review as well as past around a copy as a refresher of what was signed by each of them as it can be a confusing and sensitive issue.
Gloversville Downtown Development Specialist Report:
Jennifer Jennings: reported on Bacon Jam success. More volunteers than ever, Bacon on stick sold 2 times more than last year. 3700 people and a more trustworthy count than before. $1200 profit and up by 200 people. Vendors from all over the Capital District. Beer Garden made $500 in fees that helped cover costs with 170 bracelets sold. Only one vendor was a “no show”. They had a good variety of vendors.
Kent Kirch- Next year, tent over Beer Garden
Jennifer Jennings- Business Owner’s Newsletter went out yesterday. CEO Round Table went over building strong relationships with students. . Will be having a meeting with the Glove Theater for a board training that is going well.
County and City Reports:
There was no meeting since the last board meeting.
President and CEO Report
Current Projects:
Ron Peters informed the Board of current projects that he has been working on. Pioneer Windows is in a holding pattern with 2.2 Million still with no approval yet from CDBG waiting. First on the agenda is the CFA then the CDBG. Evolution getting new facility with an $81,000 CDBG grant award. Benjamin Moore is chugging away/ Cross Roads Industrial Park still going well. 1st week in January hope to have an announcement and that will be very good for us. Micro grant tours went very well with Congresswoman, Second Wind Coffee and La Villa Dog Works. Great press. We will be closing out the Micro Grants soon and don’t expect to have any problems. We are working on tours for next month.
Northville bids came in and we are waiting for NY state grants. Gloversville is waiting for the EPA Grant. Darren Scott was at the ribbon cutting for SD Commons. We had had a great meeting prior to that and it was good to see him there. He will continue to work with us.
Steve Smith- There are a lot of projects available. Steve will send a written description to Darren.
Ron Peters- There is another small restaurant in Johnstown that is interested in what we have to offer as well as a brew pub with an existing building- They are getting distillery quotes and have $50k committed. Stump City has been a great help with information and connections for these folks. We have had provided 4 business inquires but one is too big.
Geoff Peck- Asked about Hal’s Mills Rd/ Fulton County Machinery Building AKA UPS depot area.
Loans; 3 in the past month. 10 am tour of True Value and check presentation.
Ron and others attending the CEG Annual Dinner.
2018 Proposed Events: Ron reviewed the list of events on the agenda:
- Business to Business Saratoga Springs – October 4
- Gala Event – November 16
2018 Events Attending / Participating in: Ron reviewed the list of events that he will either attending or CRG will participate in:
- IAMC Fall Forum – September 17-19
- Site Selector’s Guild Fall Conference – Sept 10-12
Events Attended
- MVEDD Annual Meeting- January 29
- Membership Kick-off Open House Event- January 30
- NYSEDC- January 31-February 1
- Site Selector’s Guild Conference – March 19-21
- ICSC Table Setup- March 24-26
- Place making 101 Conference – April
- IAMC Spring Professional Forum – May 5-9
- NYSEDC Annual Meeting – May 23-25
- Southern Adirondack Wine & Food Festival – June 9
- Select USA Investment Summit – June 20-22
- IEDC Economic Future – June 24-26
- Fancy Food Show – June 30 – July 2
- Woodworking and Fine Arts Weekend in Northville – July 20-22
- Drum Corp International – July 22
Adjournment to Executive Session
At 9:00 a.m. Ron Peters motioned to adjourn to executive session. (17:59)
Adjournment from Executive Session
At 9:33 a.m. Geoff Peck asked for a motion to adjourn from Executive Session. Timothy Beckett made the motion; it was seconded by Ron Peters and unanimously approved.
Respectfully Submitted,
________________________________ _________________
Leslie Ford, Board Secretary Date
Board Meetings are held the Fourth Friday of the Month
at the CRG Main Office
at 8:30 AM