
Friday April 26, 2019

Center for Regional Growth Logo


Friday- Friday April 26, 2019- 8:32 a.m.
34 West Fulton Street Gloversville, New York

Directors Present: Tim Beckett, Terri Easterly, Leslie Ford, Kent Kirch, Ron Olinsky, Geoffrey Peck, Grant Preston

Directors Absent: Greg Fagan, Travis Mitchell

Staff Present: Ronald Peters, Jennifer Jennings

Other Attendees: Ashley On.yon Leader-Herald, Mike Albanese Esq., Legal Counsel, Warren Green
County Liaison & Vernon Jackson, Mayor of Johnstown

Public Session

Call to Order / Introductions/Meeting Minutes:
Roll call by Ronald Peters
Kent Kirch called the meeting to order at 8 :32 a. m. He welcomed the Directors and guests to the meeling,.

Administrative Matters

Chair Report:

Kent Kirch-

  • Reported that the finalization of work plan and goal setting with Mr. Peters was getting
    close to completion.

Kent asked for a motion to approve B.O.D. meeting minutes from February 22, 2019. It was motioned by Tim Beckett and seconded by Leslie Ford and passed unanimously.

Conclusion of Chair Report

Committee Reports:

Executive Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Governance Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Finance Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Audit Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Building Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Membership & Marketing Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.

Gloversville Downtown Development Specialist Report:

Jennifer Jennings:

  • Please see attached report.

County and City Reports:

Vern Jackson –

  • Reported on the opening of a new restaurant.
  • Reported on the possible date for the City of ,Johnstown Block Party.

President and CEO Report

Ron Peters

  • Discussed that CRG brought in NYS Empire State Development to meet with Pioneer
    Windows to keep on track with their $2,000,000.
  •  Discussed Pioneer Windows In the last month and ½ they hired 35 employees.
  •  Discussed Pioneer Windows purchased another cutter and have moved an additional
    window line into 5 Clermont.
  •  Discussed the Johnstown Industrial Park at this point is basically full. We have one site
    available. A 20 acre parcel which we have showed several times. We have two parcels
    in the Crossroads industrial Park totaling approximately 6 acres.
  •  Discussed Waiting for updated signed Commitment Letter and updated financials from
    Evolution to close their loan.
  •  Discussed Taylor Made moving all their finished goods from their Harrison Street their
    new facility in the Crossroads Industrial Park. Also, Taylor Made hosted our March
    Business Tour.
  •  Discussed Microenterprise Grant progress.
  •  Discussed The Main Street Anchor Project, Northville 5 & 10 is still moving and we will
    probably close their loan within the next several weeks.
  •  Discussed meeting with the mayor of Northville him about other initiatives that maybe
    can be done.
  •  Discussed the Gloversville DRI process.
  •  True Value is moving ahead. They are looking for their soft opening probably within the
    next month.
  •  Discussed working with an applicant for a small restaurant in downtown and how we
    brought in some other lenders to take a look at the project.
  •  Discussed working with on a restaurant project in Caroga Lake. They have submitted a
    loan application and CRG also submitted the application to some other lenders.
  •  Discussed CRG activity with assisting the Caroga Lake Firehouse with their new
    firehouse project.
  •  Discussed meeting with one of the potential Micro Brewing operations.
  •  Discussed in the Town of Johnstown, the potential distillery is reworking their number.
  •  Discussed the presentation to CBRE to talk about opportunities in Fulton County.
  •  Discussed meeting with Jon, Scott, Jim to discuss marketing
  •  Discussed loan applications.

Adjournment to Executive Session to Discuss Legal Issues

At 9:15 a.m. Geoff Peck moved for a motion to adjourn to executive session Leslie Ford seconded it.
Returned from executive session at 9:45AM no action was taken.

At 9:48 Geoff Peck moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Kent Kirch

Respectfully Submitted,

________________________________                    _________________

Greg Fagan, Board Secretary                                                     Date

Board Meetings are held the Fourth Friday of the Month
at the CRG Main Office
at 8:30 AM

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