Friday – Friday February 22, 2019- 8:31 a.m
34 West Fulton Street Gloversville, New York
Directors Present: Tim Beckett, Terri Easterly, Leslie Ford, Kent Kirch, Ron Olinsky, Geoffrey Peck, Grant Preston
Directors Absent: Greg Fagan, Travis Mitchell
Staff Present: Ronald Peters, Jennifer Jennings and Diane Meade
Other Attendees: Jim Mraz, Fulton County IDA, Ashley Onyon Leader-Herald, Mike Albanese Esq.,Legal Counsel, Warren Green County Liaison
Public Session
Call to Order / Introductions/Meeting Minutes:
Roll call by Diane Meade
Kent Kirch called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. He welcomed the Directors and guests to the meeting.
Administrative Matters
Chair Report:
Kent Kirch-
- No formal report at this time.
- Just looking to re-focus ourselves back on Performance Goals which we said we would do
quarterly. Each employee/Organization - Want to go through the organizations goals for first quarter review. Leslie Ford said she
would like to be part of this.
Kent asked for a motion to approve B.O.D. meeting minutes from January 25 and the Finance Committee. Meeting minutes from December 23, 201. Ron Olinsky motioned. It was seconded by Geoff Peck and it passed unanimously.
Conclusion of Chair Report
Committee Reports:
Executive Committee:
This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Governance Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Finance Committee:
Ron Olinsky
- Finance committee met on Wednesday Feb. 20, 2019 v.•ith a quorum and looked at:
- Expenses of 34 West Fulton Street
- Snow expenses
- Loan pool is in good order
It was also discussed that after a meeting with Amy Pedrick of Weston Company CPA’s presented and answeredquestions on the annual audit which everyone should have got copies of. We are happy to report that CRG has again received the highest opinion (grade), as in “unmodified” the audit could bestow.
- We are 100% ABO compliant
- Couple of changes on the government end that we had to do, expanding some information in the report. These are functional expenses allocating cost to the activities we’re doing; time = expense question.
- As far as liquidity goes, we are fine
- Motion to approve the Audit report and the meeting minutes from February 20, 2019 by Ron Olinsky seconded by Geoff Peck.
- Motion to approve Audit Report Budget- 990 Leslie Ford, second Kent Kirch- Unanimously passed
- 2019 Budget- Motion to approve Ron Olinsky second Terri Easterly Unanimously passed
- Everyone should have received a copy of that? Yes for all.
- Char 500 New York State filing all ready to go.
- Going to ask Phil Beckett to start allocating out the months over 12 instead of one lump sums coming in all
at once. Makes the reporting more realistic to the months we are reporting and makes it easier
Audit Committee: Ron Olinsky-
- 250,000 into investment accounts to buy certificates of deposit. Will finalize Monday
- These will be laddered CD’s
- Geoff Peck, suggested that there be a subcommittee for revenue options. Kent Kirch agreed and
suggested Revenue Task Force - Too many free services, it is time to start charging for some of the things we currently give away.
- Revenue Task Force Members will be- Ron Olinsky, Kent Kirch, Ron Peters, Tim Beckett, Terri
Easterly, Geoff Peck, and Grant Preston
- Diane Meade to Doodle it outoperating decisions of the authority. Diane Meade supplied everyone a copy the ABO Guidance Policy for their review.
Building Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Membership & Marketing Committee:
- This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
- At this meeting we went over the membership fliers just printed.
- Needs some adjustment and members gave some good feed back
ABO Guidelines Review: Diane Meade reviewed a portion of the ABO Policy 2925 sections 10, 11 and 858-a of The General Municipal Law regarding the Public Authority Investment Report and reporting. Diane Meade supplied everyone a copy the ABO Guidance Policy for their review.
Gloversville Downtown Development Specialist Report:
Jennifer Jennings:
- On schedule, sponsorship letter for PlaceMaking and 101 are going out .
- 101 Day- May 4th – An international day of service. Designed to create a critical mass of service
is being preceded by the Place Making Friday March 3rd (Businesses) will be the kick off for the 101
One of the first in the USA March 4th (public) - Need public involvement .
- March 9 & 23rd information drop in days at the Co-op
- Websites in last three days 1,400 views 209 before 7:30 this morning
- SWOT Wednesday night with Downtown businesses and community members
- 15 people attended last time. Follow up on Tuesday night for solutions and actions for the
things we came up with - Outreach & communication strategy- found workshops are better
- Hired assistant March 5th
- Jen gone -Attending IEDC 12-16th of March ED training
County and City Reports:
Jim Mraz
- Approved applications for Century Linen completed
- Ron brought an application from Palentine Dairy. Decided not to peruse any further. Had to do
with whether it made sense to them given the tax benefits and exemptions. Exemptions for
property tax only apply on the increased value of the building that were a result of the renovations.
State doesn’t allow IDA to apply the pilot to the original building. Would have had to pay a fee
with the advantages being unknown if any. - County project in process to find developers & builders to pemse two of our development areas.
Topo, phase one environmental site assessments; buyers expect a certain amount of information. Are there any impediments? See some engineering done like concept plans. Need Base Maps with all information. - IDA developing a new base map & cost estimates for both sites Val’s and Tryon. Going to take a
couple months - Val’s Mills- County sewer gaining interest from local property owners that want to hook in .
President and CEO Report
Ron Peters
- Pioneer /Evolution property closed last week
- Only one property left in Johnstown Industrial Park, and there is an offer in will know next week
- Pioneer in there getting things ready to go. Two or three weeks we will get a tour there.
- More jobs next year with the build out of the additional 120,000 square feet
- CRG Assisted with Financial, Engineering environment
- Need transportation systems to get people out there and that may have to be private
- Geoff Peck-No system in place between Gloversville and Johnstown- Private does exist.
- CRG may be a good broker for transportation needs – Talk to companies and find out there
needs, how are they getting workers in - Jim Mraz FC Ida – Brett Warren on committee, County/CV -Transit, consultant Year and a
half ago a study was implemented to look into a regional solution; stalled because the primary
person for the consultant left the company it was spearheaded but the City of Gloversville. Check to see where it is at this stage. Ron P sat on that committee - Evolution- Waiting for updated financials will close after we get those
- Crossroads- Taylor Made moving goods into new acquisition
- March Tour for both locations
- 2019 Microenterprise – 20-25 interested people lined up- Reaching out now
- End of March start trainings – we’ll end up with 8-10 solid candidates
- Community outreach- Village of Northville and the 5 & 10 are looking for a Main Street sewer.
- The village would like to see bathrooms and motel there and this will be needed.
- Gloversville- Starting VRI Process looking over what needs to be done for this round; assuming we will get it.
- True Value soft open in April
- Second Wind Coffee soft open tomorrow in Johnstown 8-2
- Working with small restaurant and distillery, Sandwich Shop, Rt 30 Small Restaurant- Caroga
building purchase by the end of the year - Mayfield Distilleries probably applying o the Microenterprise Grant
- Kent Kirch- Sewer in Caroga is submitting a CFA Application.
- Goal for 2019- Reach out to as many Municipalities as possible
- Still following up with State
- Met with John and Scott about combining efforts.
- Goal – Get rid of all loan money in both
- 34 West Fulton- Getting bids, start with parking lot roof, handicap entrance. Start in spring,
done by end of year. Any extra money goes into the interior - Website- Emery Designs
Ron Peters asked by Vince DeSantis to explain the details of the Microenterprise grants by one of the membership which he did.
Adjournment to Executive Session to Discuss Legal Issues
At 9:19 a.m. Kent Kirch moved for a motion, Geoffrey Peck motioned to adjourn to executive session
Leslie Ford seconded it.
Respectfully Submitted,
________________________________ _________________
Greg Fagan, Board Secretary Date
Board Meetings are held the Fourth Friday of the Month
at the CRG Main Office
at 8:30 AM