Friday – July 26, 2019- 8:30 a.m.
34 West Fulton Street Gloversville, New York
Directors Present: Terri Easterly, Leslie Ford (left 9:44 a.m.), Kent Kirch, Ronald Olinsky, Geoffrey Peck (arrived 8:35 a.m.), Grant Preston
Directors Absent: Tim Beckett, Greg Fagan and Travis Mitchell
Staff Present: Ronald Peters, Jennifer Jennings, Ken Adamczyk, Desiree Perham
Other Attendees: Mike Albanese, Esq., Legal Counsel; Mike Anich, Leader-Herald; Warren Greene, xcCounty Liaison; Scott Henze, Planning Director Fulton County; David D’ Amore, Fulton County IDA & Betsy Bachelor, Gloversville Councilmember Ward 3 Tim Munn, Fulton County IDA
Public Session
Call to Order / Introductions/Meeting Minutes:
Roll call by Desiree Perham.
Kent Kirch called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m. He welcomed the Directors and guests to the meeting.
Motion to approve the June 28, 2019 Meeting Minutes was made by Leslie Ford and seconded by Ron Olinsky. No additional comments. The motion passed unanimously.
Administrative Matters
Chair Report:
Kent Kirch-
- In the Executive Session, the Board training schedule will be set-up and should take place within the next 6 weeks.
- Ron finalized his goals; thank you Ron. The Board will be doing the same, twice-a-year (beginning and end), with a mid-year touch point. In this way we will measure results and tie it all together.
- Noted the CRG Mission statement was on the wall and thanked those responsible.
Conclusion of Chair Report
Committee Reports:
Executive Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Governance Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Finance Committee: Ron Olinsky reported on the committee’s July 24, 2019 meeting. The Committee reviewed the organization’s usual items:
- Cash balance is good for remainder of year; slightly under budget.
- Phil Beckett’s gave his report and stated CRG is comfortably within budget.
- Expenses for 34 W. Fulton St. are in line
- Loan Pool reports were reviewed
There is also one item to discuss in the Executive Session which has a possibility for litigation.
Audit Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Building Committee: Grant Preston summarized the meeting. Plans for the building (34 W Fulton St) are moving forward and are out to bid now. The goal is to have construction completed by winter. The contractor list for bids includes local contractors as well. Performance bonding will be included for the contractor awarded the bid (5% of invoice).
Membership & Marketing Committee: Grant Preston reported on the committee meeting held on July 10 2019. Goals and action plans for retaining existing members and growing new were established.
The plan is to target areas of business (food, farm … ), have a dialogue about issues, successes, needs, etc. and moderate that discussion here. Brand building will be used, shadng of successes, as well as on-line branding to share the news/high-light partners. A co-working space will be established upstairs; Ken Adamczyk has made a good a start with a limited budget. Help will be obtained from partners to outfit the space with furniture and supplies. It was a very good meeting, lots of takeaways.
Conclusion of Committee Reports.view an agenda
Gloversville Downtown Development Specialist Report:
Jennifer Jennings:
- In general, traffic is up. Love letters posted help boost numbers .
July Marketing: - Facebook-DT Gloversville: reached 720 people/engagements 466/new followers 2
- Facebook-Bacon Jam: reached 368 people/engagements 74/new followers s
- Bacon-Jam (event link): reached 14,400/event responses 679
- Downtown Gloversville.org – 693 views
- GloversvilleArts.com – 1,723 views
- Bacon jam needs more sponsors and more vendors. Beer vendors, music and sound are booked . Additional food vendors are needed and money. Goal is 15 (expect 10 to show). This is up from last year’s number.
- Downtown Guide draft was handed out. Waiting for map input and some photo tweaking. This could be used as a prototype for all Fulton County communities. The plan is to have it out in August. The guide will be distributed to several high-visibility locations: Fulton County Information & Visitor Center, downtown businesses, Gloversville Free Library, and also on website with links provided for City of Gloversville and Fulton County sites. The Holiday Inn and other hotels/motels were also suggested.
- The Creative Economy Marketing campaign will focus on chefs and includes a postcard mailing in a five-part series. We have 500 names so far and plan to begin on August 5, 2019. We will be making the point that we have space to grow, a smaller market, affordability and room for life
with your family. - A downtown case study report, reviewing the last three years in Gloversville, is being compiled. It will be a small run, two-pager and will include profiles of different people and activities. This low cost campaign will be out after Bacon Jam.
- There is one item to be discussed in the Executive Session.
Conclusion of GDDS Report.Please see attached report.
County and City Reports:
Kent requested reports from the City and County members present.
- Scott Henze offered help pushing Jennifer’s programs through the county.
- Scott pointed out that today is “CFA Day” with the deadline being 4pm and two were being
submitted:- Caroga Lake-a preliminary study for municipal sewer in the town center.
- The 30/30A corridor from Mayfield to Northville-a sewer initiative review.
- He also noted the website for the county is now live and encouraged everyone to take a look.
- Betsy Batchelor commented that working on the council is a pleasure and the grant money (EPA) is a boon to the city. She touched on a few initiatives:
- The city is looking into cleaning-up the burned out factory near the Kingsborough Elementary School.
- There is a water front development area (BOA) along the Cayadutta Creek.
- A grant has been written up for a waterpark near the rail trail area.
- Improvements are to be made to Elk St. Park/basketball court on Fulton.
- The drive is to remove what holds Gloversville back: blight, old buildings …
- Rules were changed so fines are immediate.
- There is a dedicated Code Enforcement Officer.
- Traffic calming initiative is having an impact. A recent police study showed speed on Main St averaged below 25 mph. Additional work funded by Steve Smith’s grant will begin in 2020.
Conclusion of County and City Reports.
President and CEO Report
Ron Peters:
- 1. Pioneer is in a holding pattern, waiting on equipment delivery.
- We have a few parcels in Industrial Parks but we need sites.
- We are waiting for information from Evolution for closing.
- The goal to have Taylor Made’s worldwide headquarters here is going well
- Business Tours program is underway. We are looking at Stitchery/Diana Knitting Mill for
September and possibly Northville Five and Dime after that. - In Gloversville:
- The Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) presentation was made to the state. We are waiting for the selection announcement.
- True Value had a very good Grand Opening. Their business added 14 new jobs in
downtown Gloversville. - We continue to work with the Family Counseling Center on their expansion project.
- EPA grant contracts should be available from the Federal Government soon.
- In Juhm,Luwn:
a. We processed a loan for a small restaurant.
b. Diana Knitting Mill is doing well, 30 employees now and if lease is completed will add
20-25 additional jobs.
c. Also, brought in some leads for tenants; one is happening, other is a maybe. - In Caroga Lake we are financing a restaurant and acting as a resource for the Fire Department.
- Mayfield has two micro-breweries looking for financing; one is close to finishing the application
and the other is waiting on documentation. - The Dolgeville-Herkimer (BOA) joint venture application is in; we should get it.
- As for leads and business market inquiries:
a. Found a building for a 40,000 sq. ft. request.
b. Need to locate a site for an 800,000 sq. ft. facility. - Micro Enterprise Grant Training (see training agenda handout:
a. Training session is ready to go on Monday July 29, 2019 and is set-:-up in the area next
door; we can take a look after this meeting.
b. There are 40 people registered, 25 start-up businesses.
c. Registration was 50% more than last session; there is a need in Fulton County and value
has been seen.
d. By front-loading training before the grant dollars arrive, the success rate improves.
e. Having Ken Adamczyk as a resource has made an impact on drawing people in. - Attended a meeting in Albany on the First-time Home Buyers Program. Goal is to set-up new buyers for successful home buying well in advance of applying for a loan. We need this in Fulton County and would like to help initiate, not run, the program. No one group has an umbrella over this area.
a. Betsy Batchelor mentioned a plan where the City of Gloversville was looking to buy
houses being auctioned and then would assist someone to buy and care for it. She
thought the First-time Home Buyers Program may be a good tie-in and requested
information be sent to the Council. - Ron Olinsky asked Ron Peters to share copies of a recent article in the Site Selection magazine, titled “A Bright Horizon for Logistics”, July 2019. (handout)
- Ken Adamczyk thanked CRG for their support of the Woodworking and Fine Arts Weekend in Northville which was a very successful event.
- Ken Adamczyk followed up with a summary report on CRG’s Facebook site reach and
engagement statistics (handout). The site had a significant increase in followers since June 27, 2019. The sites performance is also tracked versus the Fulton County Chambers site and
Mohawk Valley Regional EDC’s site and we are crushing them also! We have significantly more engagements from a much smaller pool of followers.
Conclusion of the President and CEO Report.
Adjournment to Executive Session to Discuss Legal Issues
At 9:19 a.m. Geoff Peck moved for a motion to adjourn to executive session, Ron Olinsky seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Returned from executive session at 10:08 a.m.
No action was taken.
At 10:08 a.m. Grant Preston moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Geoff Peck
with unanimous passing.
Respectfully Submitted,
________________________________ _________________
Greg Fagan, Board Secretary Date
Board Meetings are held the Fourth Friday of the Month
at the CRG Main Office
at 8:30 AM