
Friday May 31, 2019

Center for Regional Growth Logo


Friday – May, 31, 2019- 8:36 a.m.
34 West Fulton Street Gloversville, New York

Directors Present: Tim Beckett, Greg Fagan, Leslie Ford, Kent Kirch, Travis Mitchell, Ron Olinsky, Geoffrey Peck, Grant Preston

Directors Absent: Terri Easterly

Staff Present: Ronald Peters, Jennifer Jennings

Other Attendees: Ashley Onyon Leader-Herald, Mike Albanese Esq., Legal Counsel, Warren Green County Liaison & Gerry Ryan, GHNIC

Public Session


Call to Order / Introductions/Meeting Minutes:
Roll call by Ronald Peters
Kent Kirch called the meeting to order at 8:36 a.m. He welcomed the Directors and guests to the meeting.

Motion to approve April Meeting Minutes was made by Ms. Ford and seconded by Mr. Preston.
Discussion followed. The motion passed unanimously

Administrative Matters

Chair Report:

Kent Kirch-

  • Reported that the finalization of work plan and goal setting with Mr. Peters was getting
    close to completion.
  • The organization would like to schedule the basic board training CRG is currently offering
    to non-profits within the county.

Conclusion of Chair Report

Committee Reports:

Executive Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Governance Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Finance Committee: Mr. Olinsky reported on the committee’s May 29, 2019 meeting. The Committee reviewed the organization’s financial reports, drawing down on the Farley Grant and a recent closing on a loan.
Audit Committee: This Committee has not met since the last Board meeting.
Building Committee: The Committee will soon schedule a meeting.
Membership & Marketing Committee: Mr. Preston reported that he, Mr. Peters and Ms. Ford met to set an agenda for the next meeting which will be scheduled in coming weeks.

Gloversville Downtown Development Specialist Report:

Jennifer Jennings:

  • Please see attached report.

County and City Reports:

  • none

President and CEO Report

Ron Peters:

    1.  General Industrial Park Information
      1.  The Johnstown Industrial Park at this point is basically full. We have one site available. A 20 acre parcel which we have showed several times.
      2. We have two parcels in the Crossroads industrial Park totaling approximately 6 acres.
    2.  Pioneer Windows
      1.  They have purchased another cutter and have moved an additional window line into 5 Clermont.
      2. Pioneer Windows new cutter will be here in about 30 days.
    3. Evolution
      1. They have been awarded an $81,000. CDBG Grant.
      2.  We are now in closing mode. Waiting for some more information to come in.
    4.  Crossroads Industrial Park
      1.  Taylor Made did a great presentation to the County Economic Development Committee. CRG is working on keeping them in the county and looking for ways to have them expand here.
    5.  2019 Microenterprise Grant Program
      1.  Currently have between 20 – 25 on the list. I’m sure there will be more.
      2.  Still working on the training schedule and be out probably next week.
    6.  Community Outreach Programs
      1. Business Tours for Elected Officials, Taylor Made conducted a tour at both the Harrison Street Facility and then to their new one in the Crossroads Industrial Park
    7.  Northville
      1. 5 & Dime maybe opening in early fall
  1.  Gloversville
    1. True Value had their soft opening last Friday and will be having their grand opening in
      about three weeks. I’ll let you know the exact date.
  2.  Johnstown
    1. Still working with an applicant for a small restaurant in downtown. We brought in some
      other lenders to take a look at the project.
  3.  Caroga Lake
    1. Working with on a restaurant project in Caroga Lake. They submitted a loan application
      and I also submitted the application to some other lenders.
    2. We have been actively assisting the Caroga Lake Firehouse with the their new firehouse
  4. Mayfield
    1.  Met with one of the potential Micro Brewing operations. Waiting on their loan
      application to come in.
  5.  Town of Johnstown
    1.  The potential distillery is reworking their number. We did take them on a tour of an operating distillery.

Adjournment to Executive Session to Discuss Legal Issues

At 9:05am Mr. Peck moved for a motion to adjourn to executive session and Ms. Ford seconded it.
Returned from executive session at 9:45am no action was taken.

At 9:48am Geoff Peck moved a motion to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Kent Kirch

Respectfully Submitted,

________________________________                    _________________

Greg Fagan, Board Secretary                                                     Date

Board Meetings are held the Fourth Friday of the Month
at the CRG Main Office
at 8:30 AM

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