
Membership Levels

Building Fulton County’s Economy One Business at a Time.
CRG has been Fulton County's preferred economic development organization since 2012.
  • Diamond Level:
    $5,000 annually

    Recognition as Marquis Sponsor in CRG annual event advertising, verbal recognition at event, opportunity to speak at event, 10 complimentary tickets to CRG annual event

  • Platinum Level:
    $2,500 annually

    Recognition as Event Sponsor in CRG annual event advertising, verbal recognition at event, 8 complimentary tickets to CRG annual event

  • Gold Level:
    $1,000 annually

    Recognition as Specialty Sponsor in CRG annual event advertising, verbal recognition at event, 6 complimentary tickets to CRG annual event

  • Silver Level:
    $500 annually
    Verbal recognition at CRG annual event, 4 complimentary tickets to CRG annual event
  • Bronze Level:
    $250 annually
    Verbal recognition at CRG annual event, 2 complimentary tickets to CRG annual event
  • Associate Level:
    $150 annually
    Verbal recognition at CRG annual event

works for you.

CRG is a member of a dozen economic development organizations. Our presence at and participation in events both on the local and national scale provides access to and the ability to interface with decision makers of large businesses who are looking to relocate, expand and form. CRG works to promote Fulton County as a prime location to do business.

CRG 0ffers:

Advocacy to Local, State and Federal government on issues affecting Fulton County’s Business climate and economic development programs.

Advancement of economic development policies that create jobs, stimulate growth, and improve the quality of life in Fulton County.

Education and professional development policies programs for members to enhance their effectiveness as local, regional and state economic developers.

Business incubator and Co-Work space developed to help build collaboration between startup businesses and the CRG while also providing conference space for training sessions and new meeting venues.

Microenterprise grant assistance for businesses with five or less employees which provides up to $25,000 to help with growing the business and building new jobs. In 2019, the CRG assisted six businesses complete applications with six more moving forward in 2020 already!

Your membership helps ensure a vibrant business community in Fulton County both now and in the future.