Organizational Meeting of
the Board of Directors
Friday –December 20, 2024 ~ 8:30 a.m.
immediately following the Annual Meeting
The Family Counseling Center
11-21 Broadway & Zoom Conference
Gloversville, New York
I. Welcome & Call to Order (Kent Kirch)
II. Roll Call
___ Timothy Beckett, Past Chair
___ Terri Easterly, Secretary
___ Dr. Leslie Ford, Vice Chair
___ Warren Greene
___ Kent Kirch, Chair
___ Geoffrey Peck, Treasurer
___ Christina VanValkenburgh
___ Denis Wilson
___ Jack Wilson
III. Board Set-Up
- Approval of appointments to the Executive Committee
- Chair………………..Kent Kirch
- Vice Chair………..Dr. Leslie Ford
- Treasurer…………Geoffrey Peck
- Secretary…………Terri Easterly
- Past Chair……….Timothy Beckett