The last large-scale site available for development —with 1.3 million square feet available–is located right in Fulton County. “There is not another site in New York or New England at this point that is available that can offer a building of that scale,” said James Panczykowski, Senior Managing Director with JLL, a commercial real estate services company. “That is incredibly unique to that project.”

Panczykowski is referring to the Tryon Technology Park, a property that the Fulton County Industrial Development Agency (IDA) and the county have worked for the past several years preparing for development. Not only is there room for a 1.3 million square-foot building, but also two to three others.
When then-Governor Andrew Cuomo decided to close a host of juvenile facilities across the state in 2011—including the Tryon Residential Center—it turned out to be a bounty for Fulton County. The IDA acquired the over-500-acre site at no charge, and in partnership with Fulton County, has made substantial upgrades to the site. They built a new access road that runs in a loop around the park and demolished several existing buildings.
They upgraded the electrical system to provide three-phase power and multiple points of connection and reconfigured the sewer system, installing new pumps. They also constructed a new water pumping station and installed a 300,000-gallon elevated water tank. Already existing was a six-inch, high-pressure gas transmission main. “The site has all the infrastructure necessary for projects,” said Jim Mraz, the IDA’s executive director.
Cannabis products manufacturer Vireo Health, Inc. built its facilities at Tryon in 2015 and recently expanded its facility by 300,000 square feet. The company finds Tryon Technology Park a good place to operate its expanding New York operations.
Concord, Mass.-based real estate development and investment firm Winstanley Enterprises, Inc. became aware of the site when it worked on a property in a neighboring county.
Now, with a purchase of sale agreement in place for the remaining 239 acres, Winstanley is preparing to transform the former juvenile detention center, where a young Mike Tyson learned to box, into a thriving industrial park with three to four build-to-suit facilities. “It is definitely ready for redevelopment,” said Winstanley asset manager Linda Costanzo.
Now, in addition to the 1.3 million square-foot building, Winstanley intends to construct two to three other buildings of 500,000, 350,000, and possibly 150,000 square feet, all with ample loading docks and trailer and car parking. For example, the proposed 1.3 million square-foot facility has parking spaces for 685 trailers and 261 cars in addition to 274 loading docks.

“All of these sites could be distribution or manufacturing,” Panczykowski said. “That’s the benefit and attractiveness of the build-to-suit option. There is a whole host of industrial operators that can fit under the Tryon umbrella here.”

“Winstanley is positioned to work with any type and size company in having a building developed at Tryon,” Mraz said.
TryonTryon’s close proximity to the New York State Thruway provides easy, quick access to numerous northeast and mid-Atlantic metropolitan areas, airports, and ports.
In addition, Panczykowski points out that Fulton County also offers a large pool of reliable labor and a business-friendly community. “These are big-ticket items to buyers and really appealing to Winstanley and ultimately the end users,” he said, noting that there is “unprecedented demand” for what Tryon can offer across the industrial markets.
Costanzo concurs that parcels for industrial and warehouse development are becoming more challenging to find in the New York and northeast markets. “We’ve entertained a number of prospects already for this site,” she said. “We received proposals, and we continue to receive interest for every one of the pads that is in the park at the moment.”
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