
Annual Reports

Building Fulton County’s Economy One Business at a Time.


This statement certifies that Fulton County Center for Regional Growth followed a process that assessed and documented the adequacy of its internal control structure and policies for the year ending December 31, 2022. To the extent that deficiencies were identified, the authority has developed corrective action plans to reduce any corresponding risk.

Annual Reports


The Fulton County Center for Regional Growth is dedicated to the openness of the organization, its accountability and disclosure of information. CRG’s Board of Directors Annually reviews and assesses the internal control structure and procedures of Fulton County Center for Regional Growth. Additionally, this process is reviewed by outside auditors during their annual audit of the corporation. Any discrepancies discovered during the audit would be disclosed to the Board during their review, which is held every March. This statement attests that CRG’s internal controls were determined to be adequate, and that CRG and its Board of Directors continually look for ways to improve this structure to reduce or eliminate any risk.

Building Fulton County’s Economy... One Business at a Time.

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